On l'avait oublié mais voici de belle photo et il semble terminé:
Our next stop was at Roar-O-Saurus (#2078), the new wood coaster that has been receiving rave reviews from the media and enthusiasts alike. There is no question that the ride looks the part, with a spectacular dinosaur figurehead on the train and a twisted structure that gleams in the sun. However, as of this visit, the track had a definite shudder to it that made it feel about twenty years old, and the operators' insistence on pushing down on the lap bars meant that what should have been airtime hills instead became a physical endurance test. We heard several variants of "that hurt my stomach so bad!" from other passengers, and one poor girl who had ridden in the front seat disembarked in tears.
The ride layout held a lot of promise and I'd love to be able to give it a positive review, but three rides in front, middle, and back were enough to convince me that this simply wasn't an option; to put it bluntly, Roar-O-Saurus hurt. There were also a few other issues:
Roar-O-Saurus only has a single twelve seat train, meaning that the throughput is, at best, half that of the much older Polar Coaster. One might have hoped that a new signature attraction would have a higher throughput than one present in the park for almost thirty years.
The queue line is unshaded. The wait time peaked at about twenty minutes today so this wasn't a massive issue, but it would have been a big problem on a busier day.
The procedure to park the train at the end of the ride involved six abrupt hard stops rather than one gentle one. Today each one of those stops delivered a hard punch to the stomach.
The operators were insisting that the station exit ramp be completely clear before they could dispatch the next train, and before anyone suggests this was for safety reasons, the ramp is located several feet away from the lift hill structure and in any case has both a gate and a railing. Many other rides in many other parks operate without a silly restriction like this.