Thorpe Park plans new rollercoasters by 2016
Posted by Russell Butt on Jun 30, 10 05:21 PM in Local Authority
Two new rollercoasters could be built at Thorpe Park in the next six years as part of a new development plan.
Thorpe Park Operations Ltd has submitted an outline planning application to Runnymede Borough Council for the proposals, which form part of the Theme Park's Medium Term Development plan for 2010 until 2016.
The plans include the installation of five new 'round rides' which could be up 25m tall, as well as two new rollercoasters, one which could be upto 40m tall, the other upto 50m tall - currently the park's flagship ride, the huge white Stealth rollercoaster, is 62.5m tall and can be seen several miles away.
Extra buildings of upto 5,000sqm are also included in the plans, along with a recycling facility, new island bridge links, supplementary car park lighting and upgrades to the theme park admissions.
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Thorpe Park urged to get wooden rollercoaster
Jul 6 2010 By Russell Butt
Rollercoaster fans are discussing Thorpe Park
ROLLERCOASTER enthusiasts are urging Thorpe Park to consider a traditional wooden rollercoaster in its latest development plans.
The top Surrey attraction has recently submitted an outline planning application to Runnymede Borough Council for its Medium Term Development Plan, which includes proposals for the installation of five new 'round rides' and two new rollercoasters to be built between 2010 and 2016.
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