[Hansa Park] Kärnan - Hypercoaster Gerstlauer pour 2015

Cyril92 a dit:
(Spoilers dans mon message mais tout le monde a regardé l'info non ? :-D)

Je vois pas comment tu peux amener ça ?

Facile, lift normal avec musique. Silence, élément spéciale. Un rire diabolique. Et hop c'est reparti. La tu comprend tout de suite que c'est normal.
Cyril92 a dit:
mais dans un lift vertical c'est peut-être pas les mêmes conditions d'autant plus que c'est une première mondiale et les lambdas ne savent pas que c'est possible !

Je pense qu'au contraire, c'est plutôt les fans qui ne croirons pas ça possible. Les lambdas eux, ils te font un boomerang Vekoma à deux trains et 400 km/h suspendu sous les rails par les pieds sans problème... :-D

Un gros coup de flippe, oui, et c'est ça qu'est bon ! :evil: (Tant qu'on ne se prend pas un autre wagon en pleine gueule...)

EDIT : Flex le visionnaire (sur le topic de Smiler) :

flex a dit:
Ou alors ils veulent nous lâcher pendant le lift et nous faire retomber avant de nous faire monter pour de bon. Car sinon, Gerstlauer n'a jamais utilisé ce système comme anti roll back ...

J'avais repris cette hypothèse pour Karnan en voyant cette photo et ses différents systèmes de freins - mais ensuite je l'avais enlevée (post édité...) quand j'avais remarqué que Smiler avait les mêmes. Donc surpris et content que ce soit le cas !
KingRCT3 a dit:
EDIT : Flex le visionnaire (sur le topic de Smiler) :

Eh oui King, merci d'avoir déterré ce vieux post, j'en avais rêvé avec Smiler, ils l'ont fait sur Karnan ! Et pour la mise en scène il y a plein de choses a faire, notamment pourquoi pas un bruit de câble qui lâche comme sur Grizzly a Disney Hong Kong. Ok c'est une chaîne, mais les lambdas s'en foutent, encore plus dans le noir. Cette surprise me donne vraiment envie d'y retourner en tout cas !
Ce coaster devient de plus en plus incontorunable alors qu'on n'aurai pas dit ça avant, ça doit faire une super sensation ! Mais je pense qu'il vaut mieux être prévenu sinon il vont avoir des accidents cardiaques^^
Ça y est, le coaster a ouvert ses portes aujourd'hui et voici pour commencer, la storyline :

The Legend of the Construction of KÄRNAN and the Origin of the Spell

Eons ago on a dark and moonless night in November, the old King of Denmark died an untimely death, stabbed by his closest confidants while hunting. He was succeeded on the throne by his son Erik, who was a mere 12 years old when he was crowned and began to rule over his father’s kingdom.

Erik swore his coronation oath -- and every oath thereafter during his reign-- “by all the holy men” -- ved alle hellige maend -- which earned him the name “Erik Menved”.

King Erik lived in tumultuous times. His father’s slayers had been banished. They became pirates who terrorized the coastal towns and villages of Denmark. They frightened the residents who feared for their homes and lives. But the young king was oblivious to the problems and worries of his subjects. Instead, he spent his time hosting costly and pompous tournaments and dreaming of conquering faraway countries.

Soon the King’s coffers began to run low as Erik sank deeper into his new lifestyle. He held even more costly tournaments than any king before him. When his funds were almost exhausted, he raised taxes and pledged parts of his kingdom to the nobles of other countries.

Then a famine broke out in Denmark, but the wasteful King refused to lower taxes. Instead, he had all uprisings put down and the rebellious peasants hanged in front of the city gates. He expected it to be a deterrent, but the nobles joined forces with the peasants and turned against the King. It was a massive rebellion, and King Erik was able to suppress it only with the help of foreign mercenaries.

Instead of acknowledging his errors, Erik felt threatened by his subjects and the neighboring kingdoms. He convened his court and proclaimed:
“Our enemies are lurking in the shadows and beyond our borders, but we will build a castle for ourselves and for Denmark -- a fortress so strong that our enemies will never be able to invade and destroy it! We swear, by all the holy men.”

The King summoned his old and wise master builder and entrusted him with the monumental task of building an invincible castle. The builder retreated to his chambers and remained there many months drawing plans for an enormous structure with a strong outer ring wall, a moat and drawbridge, countless defense works, and a king’s tower (“the keep”) larger and more majestic than the country had ever seen.

Inside the castle he planned for a splendid great hall for receptions, cozy private rooms, as well as spacious pantries and a deep well to ensure there would always be enough water and food for the castle inhabitants in the event of a siege. His life depended on it.

The crown jewel of the plan, however, was a cleverly thought out system of secret passageways in the walls of the fortress and a complex emergency system that would help the royal family escape, if need be.

When he saw the drawings, Erik Menved immediately realized his dream of becoming invincible was suddenly within his grasp. He ordered the construction of KÄRNAN to begin immediately.

The old master builder had seen many a king come and come during his long life -- both benevolent and cruel. But he had never experienced a king who placed his own well-being as far above that of his starving subjects as King Erik Menved did. While construction was progressing, the old man pondered how he could help the people of Denmark without breaking his oath to build an invincible fortress for the kingdom.

One night, while watching the inebriated King and his advisors playing dice and betting their riches, the master builder suddenly knew what to do. He hurried down to his archives and searched through the writings of his predecessors. He was looking for a special magic formula that would protect the tower while at the same time punishing the King for his cruelty and keeping him away from his people.

After seven years the tower was completed. The master builder stepped before Erik and said, “My King, the construction you ordered has been completed. The kingdom now has a fortress that is most likely unconquerable: KARNAN.”

King Erik Menved’s face froze. He fixed the master builder with a piercing stare. “Most likely unconquerable? Have I not publicly sworn and ordered you, under the penalty of death, to build a tower that is invincible forever and ever?”
“Yes, my Ruler, you certainly did. And this castle is more secure and stronger than any fortress ever built. Yet I do not dare mention a dangerous thing such as a protective spell in your presence.”
“Tell me about this protective spell that you have not mentioned to me,” the King demanded. “Would it make KÄRNAN invincible?”
“Yes, my King, that it would. But I must warn you: the old scriptures are a dangerous game. Their impact is high, but the price to pay may be higher still.” And he pulled out from his bag a large roll of parchment and carefully held it up. It was inscribed:
“Once read out loud, a powerful spell will be cast over the tower that will hit all those who intend to attack, threaten, or approach KÄRNAN with the air to conquer it. The spell will destroy them. My King, though this magic formula would make the fortress invincible, it comes with a high price!”

Greedily, King Erik Menved wrested the scroll from the canny old master builder. “I will pay it. I shall raise the taxes,” the King said. Little did he know that he would have to pay a much higher price when he, blinded by the prospect of power, uttered, “I will take the risk -- by all the holy men!”

He quickly unrolled the parchment and spoke the age-old magic formula to protect the tower. But with every word he spoke, it was as if a piece of his innermost soul was torn from him and flung towards the tower, penetrating its walls and sinking deep down to its core where the spell unfolded.

The King had hardly finished speaking when he looked as if he had aged by twenty or thirty years. His skin had become wrinkled and ashen, his glance unsteady and empty.

King Erik Menved died soon afterwards, but in death he had fulfilled his oath and given the kingdom an unconquerable fortress.
From then on, the design of the castle and the power of the spell protected KÄRNAN from all attacks and dangers. No army was able to conquer it. No enemy ever invaded it, and all those who tried met with misfortune and death.

The King, however, forced to protect KÄRNAN forever by the clever trick of the master builder, will find salvation only by an act of kindness he had never shown while still alive.

Et voici quelques photos de la conférence de presse qui s'est tenue hier soir :


Entrée faites à l'arrache :-D




Comme vous le voyez, il n'y a que la boutique qui est terminé. Pour les prix, comptez 20€ le tee-shirt et 40€ le sweat à capuche.

La musique n'a pas été diffusé officiellement mais on n'en a un extrait dans cette vidéo :


C'est IMAscore qui était aux commandes et encore une fois, ils ont fait un super boulot. D'ailleurs, ils ont dédicacé leur CD, qui est aussi en vente dans la boutique :


Mais au final, les avis sont unamines : Karnan est un chouette coaster mais qui sera encore mieux une fois la théma bouclée ... l'année prochaine :wink:

Source : http://worldofparks.eu/kategorie-als-blog/836
Ça n'a pas traîné, voilà des images de l'élément spécial dans la tour.

Un peu dommage d'avoir filmé ça je trouve, c'est comme si un critique de cinéma te racontait la fin d'un film pas encore sorti... :roll: Mais bon, à nous qui n'allons pas rider la bête de sitôt... :evil:
Oh non... T'es sérieux là ?...

Edit Modobelge : j'ai supprimé le post de coasterfandu93 TheCoasterfan qui spoilait bien comme il faut la particularité du ride dans la tour de Karnan ! Pensez à ceux qui veulent se réserver la surprise en le ridant !  :police:
Oh, y'avait du spoiler page d'avant aussi. :-)

Sinon voilà la bande-son complète :



Et d'autres spoilers parce que vous aimez ça. :evil:

Comment se passe l'embarquement :

Une info pour le moins surprenante avait été diffusée sur le blog : Sur Karnan, on ne choisit pas son rang ! Chose apparemment vérifiée. De ce que je comprends, on rentre par groupe de 16 dans une petite pièce ronde. On dépose nos affaires. Il y a quatre rangées, mais celles-ci ne correspondent pas aux rangs ! Ce qui se passe, c'est que les portes devant les rangées vont s'ouvrir dans un ordre aléatoire. Ainsi, si la dernière porte s'ouvre la première, les passagers vont se retrouver au premier rang. Comme sur ce schéma. .
Bonne ou mauvaise idée, je sais pas (j'aurais tendance à aimer choisir ma place...),mais encore une fois ça permet une mise en scène originale.

Quel est le parcours dans les parties dark-ride :

Le tour commence par une drop à peu-près de la taille de celle de Karacho (2-3m à tout péter). Puis virage à gauche direction le lift. La vue sur celui-ci est flippante. La montée est rapide, et amène le train pratiquement au sommet. Le train est stoppé par des freins pendant que le crochet du lift redescend. Quelques secondes plus tard, les freins lâchent et le train chute en arrière, des 3/4 jusqu'au 1/3 du lift. Il est naturellement freiné, puis le crochet le rattrape et ensuite on passe le sommet vers la drop, le parcours, etc.

Au retour, après les freins finaux, c'est directe une heartline roll. S'en suit un virage non-incliné sur la droite, puis une rampe de freins inclinée (genre I305). Un autre virage plat vers la droite et c'est la sortie. Un opé ouvre les casiers et on peut récupérer nos affaires.

Source : Coasterfriends.de