[Carowinds] Fury 325 - Giga Coaster B&M en 2015

KingRCT3 a dit:
Non car le chain-dog doit se situer sur le troisième wagon (supposition), donc d'abord la barre sous le train entre en contact avec les pneus, ceux-ci se mettent à la vitesse de la chaîne, et ainsi le train peut s'accrocher sans accrocs.
Merci, tu viens de m'apprendre quelque chose, je pensais que le chain-dog se situait plus à l'avant du train  :mrgreen:
Heu, vous rigolez la ou quoi??!!
A voir la seconde POV reverse, c'est Air time party sur les bunnys, certains stengel, et head choper avant les bunnys...
Tout ca plus la vitesse de ouf, moi je dit, c'est un hit dans sa categorie!!!!
Les deux minions de TPR qui etait au press event ont decide que le ride ne meritait pas plus que "90-100" sur leur classement. Donc, le restant des gens de TPR attaquent sur Twitter ceux qui osent dire que le ride est meilleur...

(Robb lui meme est au Mexique et a pas ete invite au Media Day)
Absimilliard a dit:
Les deux minions de TPR qui etait au press event ont decide que le ride ne meritait pas plus que "90-100" sur leur classement. Donc, le restant des gens de TPR attaquent sur Twitter ceux qui osent dire que le ride est meilleur...

(Robb lui meme est au Mexique et a pas ete invite au Media Day)

Quand tu dis "90-100" c'est sur une échelle de combien?
stephane75 a dit:
Quand tu dis "90-100" c'est sur une échelle de combien?

C'est sur le nombre de coasters qu'a ridé le gars. Il peut te citer environ 90 autres coasters qu'il préfère à Fury. Bon après, c'est un avis de TPR mais il m'a l'air plutôt sincère. Je n'ai pas vu d'autres avis sur les autres sites (Coaster Force ? ACE ?) qui dirait que Fury est un truc de fou. Mieux que Leviathan, c'est certain, tout le monde s'accorde là dessus. Mais après, je pense pas qu'il approchera les hautes sphères du coaster poll comme a pu le faire Intimidator 305  :mrgreen:

On verra bien quand on aura d'autres reviews et des TR d'anonymes ;-)

Avis complet (qui m'a l'air plutôt objectif, surtout quand le premier dit que la première partie du circuit a été conçue plus pour impressionner le public et faire joli au dessus de la nouvelle entrée qu'autre chose, et qu'ils auraient pu faire mieux avec cette hauteur et cette vitesse) si tu as le courage de lire :

I'll let Derek & Eric expand on this more when they get back from the event, but here are some of their thoughts they communicated to me for Twitter:

"It's fast and curvy"

"Fast, fun, and curvy with floater air."

"It's better than Leviathan."

"It's semi-thrilling."

"The extra track delivers more thrills and add airtime that leviathan lacks."

"Floater first drop then just lots ofcurves and a few floater airtime thrown in at the end"

"GP will love it and it's good for park to attract new visitors."

"Overall, great ride! Fury 325 will thrill the pants off day guests, but may not totally wow seasoned riders as much."

Eric's full review:

This was my first time to the park, so I had no previous reference of what the park skyline looked like before, but I have to say with Fury 325, the park looks stunning from all over the area! As soon as you get on I-77 from the loop, Fury 325 is already visible.

Once again, since this was my first visit, I never saw the original entrance, but I was very impressed with the new entrance. Carowinds definitely achieved making a marquee entrance that will thrill and excite guests for years to come.

Now onto the new ride. I thought it was a lot of fun. The first drop will take your breath away and the speed up the 2nd hill is wonderful. At this point as you soar over the entrance plaza and out to the turnaround, the ride seems to go through the emotions a bit. It is still fast of course and there are some forces to be had, but the main purpose of this section of the ride, in my opinion, is to look nice and pretty for the front of the park. Now with that said, as soon as you drop out of the turnaround and down into the tunnel, the ride picks right back up! The drop into the tunnel takes your breath away and the first airtime hill has strong floater airtime. The ride hauls to the brake run and really seems to utilize the speed it has built up well for the finale.

Could the ride have done more with the height of the lift hill? Sure. As an enthusiast, I am a little jaded when it comes to what I expect in an extreme coaster. With that said, the ride is absolutely re-rideable and the General public is going to eat of up! Carowinds accomplished what it intended in building a marquee attraction that not only looks wonderful but is a lot of fun!

Now, for the media day itself. The park looked great and everywhere you turned you saw excited employees and special entertainment from the event. The opening presentation was well done. It was the perfect length and entertaining. After the presentation everyone lined up for that ride. Here is where my only real complaint about the day occurred. The park set up a separate line for media who wanted to get custom rider POV. The park had set up the 2nd row of two ofthe trains with a Go Pro, and The major problem here was that half of the people in line didn't know they were only waiting for one row. So not only did it take an hour plus to get to ride, but as we got go to the top we witnessed constant confusion by the media and the employees that were sorting the whole thing. The whole deal would of worked better at a separate time than the grand opening event. There was just too many people to try and satisfy all the media that wanted the Go Pro footage.

Enough about that and back to the positives...the park was kind enough to open Intimidator and the new, Slingshot for the event. This was much appreciated! And now, the food. :lover: The park showcased a lot of the new cuisine coming in 2015 and it did not disappoint. There was shrimp, oysters, duck meat, gelato, and a TON more. The food more than made up for the long wait for the rider footage.

To conclude, the park looks great, Fury is a great ride, and you should definitely check it out!

Derek's Review:
Time for my review of Fury 325 after 3 rides today!

Fury 325 was my 945th different coaster ridden and definitely changes the skyline of Carowinds forever. The new entrance right now seems very Cedar Fair-ish, lots of white cement and open spaces with no shade, but a giant hulking roller coaster all up in your face from the moment you park your car and walk in. So now Carowinds not only greets you at the south entrance with a B&M, they also do so at the north entrance.

The ride itself sits back where the skycoaster used to be, near Hurler and the diner. Fastlane and regular entrances exist, and no loose articles are permitted on the ride and there were no bins present in the station, all things must be secured in zippered pockets or in the fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo just outside the ride next to The Hive gift shop at the ride exit. No additional queue exits for guests wishing to wait for the front row.

The lift seems to move fairly well until the train reaches the top, offering ample time to check out the views of the park, planes taking off from the airport, and downtown Charlotte in the distance. The first drop is nice and long, though I felt it was a bit weaker than even other B&Ms like Apollo's Chariot or Nitro. The next sequence of turns, curves, and dips set up the sensation of speed you'd expect. To me, the banked turn over the park's entry didn't really do much and I really think they should have gone with an overbank or something. The far turn and dive below the entry plaza is great, and provides that extra push of speed before heading on to the bunny hills...until the trim grabs the train, more felt in the back. I wouldn't classify the airtime as normal floater, nor is it ejector, it's more like sustained floater, but it's good and gives the ride something else beside the speed and a bunch of turns. The helix doesn't really have much in terms of positive G's, but is a nice way to kill some of the speed instead of just slamming into the brakes. The final hills offer the same sustained floater air and make the ride seem more complete than Leviathan. It's a decent, fun coaster that is easy to enjoy, but it may not scratch all of your adrenaline itch.

I would rank it somewhere around 90-100 in my rankings, which would still put it in the B range of rides. It's better than Leviathan, but I prefer the other Gigacoasters to this, as well as several B&M hypers. I wasn't disappointed in my 600 mile drive to ride it, nor was I blown away to the point of planning to do the drive on a monthly basis or move to Charlotte or get a timeshare or something like that. It's a ride that the seasoned rider could expect B&M to make these days just by looking at the computer animations and POVs, more of the same old cold and calculated B&M that doesn't do anything really unique and different, but it's also something that the general public can eat up, tolerate, and reride. In the long run, that's really all we can hope the ride does, attract the masses and raise their levels so we can get crazier coasters for years to come.
Les avis de TPR sont plutôt constructifs. En même temps, un des deux en est à son 945ème coaster. Quand j'en serai là, je me paierai peut être le luxe de trouver ça moyen, mais en attendant, ce coaster me fait plutôt rêver  :rire:
La forme et l'inclinaison même des drops d'hyper/giga B&M a bien évolué depuis Sista :



Du coup l'hyper B&M allemand paraît bien plat... Alors si en plus tu rajoutes quasiment 30 mètres, forcement que sa drop paraît dépassée. :evil:

(bandit, la vidéo est de Carowinds, CoasterForce n'a fait que l'uploader)
C'est fou de regarder la drop de Sista après celle la ^^ pourtant de l'intérieur , Sista est déjà sympa je trouve !

Et merci King pour la précision , je suis tombé dessus par hasard, j'ai pas fait le rapprochement !
Mais toujours est-il que j'en suis fan !! ^^
Mais moi je me pose une question:
On voit dans la vidéo que une personne de forte corpulence réussit a faire le ride. Tandit que celui ci est apparement plus puissant que shambi. Les harnais ou trains sont ils différents ?

Je me pose la question car je vais faire un voyage aux USA et j'ai bien l'intention de passer a carrowinds  ^_^

Mais comme je rentre a présent dans sista mais pas dans shambi, je me questionne ....
En tout cas sur la vidéo off-ride de "coasterforce" c'est juste magnifique cette engin!

Sa dépote carrément en vitesse. Les sensations doivent bien suivre quand même. Moi sa me plait :mrgreen: