jli7 a dit:Ascenseur circulaire .... mais oui pas bête . Pourquoi je n'y es pas pensé plus tôt
Donc en gros je pense que si c'est bien l'ascenseur sous ces toiles ça pourai être comme l'ascenseur de Supersplash de plop , mais avec un axe en plus (soit x ou z).
stitch59650 a dit:Un ascenseur rond, le train entre dedans et en montant, il fait demi tour
Saw this in the Derby Telegraph the other day
Secret weapon of a roller-coaster ride at the Towers
Thursday, November 12, 2009, 07:30
A NEW £15m roller-coaster is to be unveiled at Alton Towers in March.
Bosses at the theme park are trying to keep details of the ride a secret until then.
Called Secret Weapon 6, it has taken a team of 35 people two years and nine months to build.
During this time, the theme park has banned cameras and mobile phones and increased security at the site so details do not get out.
Staff have also been issued with non-disclosure agreements and bosses have approached Google Earth to ask the mapping service to black out the building site.
Morwenna Angove, sales and marketing director at the Alton Towers Resort, said: "In the build-up to previous rides, significant details were leaked and this time we are taking no chances. Our new attraction is totally unique and scarier than ever – it's unlike anything the world has seen before.
"Fans do not have to wait too long to enjoy the ride, as they will be given the chance to ride SW6 early in 2010. They will be in for ride they will never forget."
PmLondon a dit:Cette possibilité n'est pas envisageable, il n'y a pas assez d'espace dans la zone de drop.
Je viens de lire ceci reporté par Altonator :
Unique et Effrayant ainsi que jamais vu auparavant sont utilisés par Morwenna, pour que la directrice du marketing s'avance de la sorte c'est qu'il doit bien s'agir d'un ride très spécial.
Page 32 http://forum.towerstimes.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=68&t=25326&start=465
chauvirey a dit:T'inquiètes Phil, c'est à cause de la perspective que t'as cette impression
Edit : je viens de vérifier sur les plans fournis aux Autorités locales et la hauteur entre les 2 tracks est précisément de 3m15. Attention les 2 tracks se croisent 2 fois et évidemment comme il s'agit d'une spirale on doit soustraire environ 20% ce qui ferait 2m50 dans la zone encerclée.
BenJ a dit:Et sachant qu'on est assis, je pense que ça passe largement 2,5m sous les rails !
Simon Cowell's bodyguard hired to protect ride
November 24, 2009 12:22 PM
A theme park has hired Simon Cowell's former bodyguard to help them protect a new secret ride they are working on.
Alton Towers will pay Tony Adkins the equivalent of a six-figure salary to protect the new ride - codenamed SW6.
Bosses say fans are so desperate to find out more about the £15 million roller-coaster - which is said to have a never-before-seen feature - they needed the extra security.
And Tony seems to have all the right credentials, he has spent seven years as a professional bodyguard also working for Princess Anne, Iron Maiden and Boy George.
He will now direct and provide advice to the in-house security team -- alternatively they could just put pictures of his face around the fence.
A spokesperson for Alton Towers Resort said: "There is a die-hard fan base out there dedicated to the discovery of information about the new ride and the Resort is desperately trying to keep it under wraps.
"We’re pleased to announce the appointment of Tony, whose previous experience of working in a celebrity environment will stand him in good stead to deal with our superfans."
Tony added: “I have looked after celebrities and even a member of the Royal Family, but this has to be one of my most interesting assignments yet. I’ve heard a lot of things and I’m hoping that the fans aren’t as scary as Simon Cowell!"
SW6 is scheduled for launch in March 2010.
mouts a dit:secret Weapon, il porte bien son nom !!!!
charles a dit:Toutes les nouveautés d'Alton se sont appelées secret weapon