Alton Towers - TH13TEEN le Nouveau coaster en 2010

J'aime particulièrement cette description :

arl of Shrewsbury
TT Member

1 time in 1 post
Re: SW6 Ride & Construction discussion.
Posted: Wed 9th Dec - 2009 15:00
Good day fellow AT lovers - long time visitor to the park, fairly new to this website, though.

SW6 certainly looks a scream. My theory is that this is a type of simul-coaster, which I know has been alluded to on here.

What I would hope to happen is to be propelled at a good speed into the mystery box where it appears as though the ride is still continuing on a projection screen through the dark forest aided with some gusty wind machines (don't forget this ride is for the kiddies too!). Of course the train will still be moving on the tracks - or will it be the tracks that are still swaying from side to side?

Either way there will be a point in the ride where the on-screen track runs out or an event will suddenly trigger the train to be sucked backwards into the real world.

Also I'd imagine all four walls will be littered with huge screens to give an impression of the ride still continuing all around you - very tricky to get perfect, but hopefully it'll fool a few people, it will at least provide a different experience.

Du mouvement mais surtout des projections sur les murs feront assurément une attraction hors du commun.

page 47
Hoo la la il m'as piqué mon idée, c'est ce que je pensais mais en mieux dit.

Sinon à part comme ça je ne voit pas trop comment Alton towers peux faire d'un Junior un ride de très bonne qualité.
Je ne me suis jamais exprimer sur ce coaster .

Mais vraiment étrange !!! Il est intriguant !

J'espère que alton ne va pas trop décevoir avec le ride .

En tout cas, le mystère reste intact ^^
Pourquoi pas une genre de madhouse à l'intérieur, et en même temps le train fait son tilt...pire que désorientant (et même gerbant)  :evil:
Je viens de tomber sur cette info sur le forum de NoLimits Exchange

    * CommentAuthorCCJared
    * CommentTime1 hour ago

We have an official press release!

    Press ReleaseThirteen - Push your luck at the Alton Towers Resort!

    UK theme park announces launch of the world's first 'Psychoaster' for March 2010

    Today, the Alton Towers Resort has announced that it will be launching the ultimate rollercoaster Thirteen on 20th March 2010.

    Until now, Thirteen has been kept top secret under the name "Secret Weapon 6” and is the subject of much speculation from fans. The new £15m ride is billed to be the scariest in the UK and will join a long line of world first attractions at the Alton Towers Resort including "Nemesis", "Oblivion" and "Air".

    Thirteen will be based on the discovery of an unearthed ancient burial site in an area of unexplored woodland known as the Dark Forest. Built on the site of the old Corkscrew
    rollercoaster, visitors will be invited to take a petrifying ride on Thirteen, venturing into the seemingly living and breathing Dark Forest. There they will face an unknown horror that has been unleashed from the ancient crypt.

    The ride has been developed with the world's leading coaster and thrill consultants who have collaborated to combine the ultimate elements of physical and psychological fear - to create what experts are dubbing a ‘psychoaster’.

    The new technology will be the first of its kind in the world and will potentially make the ride so frightening that the Resort is considering introducing a controversial age-rating. Only visitors between the ages of 16-55 will be allowed on the ride due to concerns about emotional maturity and physical health. Visitors may also be limited to one ride per day and be required to sign a waiver which assures the Resort of their physical and mental health to avoid any resulting lawsuits.


    £15 million pound investment. Built on a burial site that is part of the original Alton Abbey, Thirteen will be themed around a crypt, with one of the main features of the ride taking place inside the unearthed crypt. The ride was tested and built in Europe before being shipped to the UK. Thirteen has been in design for 2 years and taken 9 months to build by a team of 35 working round the clock, to ensure it’s ready for launch in March. The ride is replacing the old Corkscrew Rollercoaster which closed in November 2008 after 28 years and was the nation’s first double-helix rollercoaster

    John Wardley, rollercoaster expert said:

    “This ground-breaking technology is something never seen before and will open up a whole new concept for theme park rides. By combining physical and psychological terror, Thirteen will be the first ride to play on emotional fear and something coaster fans will not be prepared for.”

    Morwenna Angove, Sales and Marketing Director at the Alton Towers Resort said:

    “We're thrilled to announce the launch of Thirteen at the Alton Towers Resort. This new ride will be a shocking, never-experienced-before rollercoaster and we’re excited that once again the Alton Towers Resort is able to offer visitors the chance to experience something unavailable in any other part of the world. However, just as we take physical health and safety very seriously, Thirteen demands that we also consider our visitors’ emotional health, and as such we’re not afraid of introducing necessary measures to ensure riders are fully prepared and healthy enough
    to brave Thirteen”

    Thirteen is set to cement the Alton Towers Resort’s reputation as the No. 1 destination for thrill and fear addicts around the world.
J'ai juste lu un passage au pif, mais apparemment c'était le bon:
en gros le gros "plus" de l'attraction sera le fait que tout va se jouer sur l'impacte psychologique et non sur le layout itself....

Drôle de concept, mais j'aimerais bien tester! :lol:
J'imagine un ride tout psychédélique avec un kaleidoscope géant à l'intérieur qui te rend complètement fou =P

16-55 ? Euh Alton une bonne parti de son publique là si il est uniquement réservé aux plus +16 ans  :-o
L'annonce n'est pas officielle, CCjared vient de poster ceci :

  * CCJared
    * CommentTime7 minutes ago

It's a fake and I'm removing it as Alton Towers are threating to sue any site that posts it.

Je doute que Alton poursuive un site par rapport à cette info, à la fin du jour cela entretient le suspense.
Ah, je me disais aussi...
Je les voyais pas mettre un videur pour vérifier les cartes d'identité des visiteurs pour savoir s'ils avaient plus de 16 ans...  :idiot:
Après ce vieux fake de n'importe quoi ("les visiteurs auront le droit de le rider une seule fois par jour", non mais franchement ça sentait le bidon à 20km...), je vous dit mon avis sur le coaster dans son état actuel:

Je pense que le coaster sera en effet familial, qu'il y aura sans doute quand même un peu d'airtime et des sensations modestes, et que la deuxième partie sera totalement moisie. J'espère juste que Alton Towers saura lui donner une bonne atmosphère.
Vérité ou pas... telle est la question maintenant!

En tout cas faire signer une charte comme quoi on est en bonne santé mentale par peur de représailles de certains visiteurs... ça parait quand même sacrément pousser!

J'ai hâte de savoir ce qu'il en est!
Provenant du forum Towerstime :

Head Moderator

Newport (S.Wales)
279 times in 158 posts
Re: SW6 Viral Marketing/Promotional Discussion
Posted: Thu 10th Dec - 2009 20:59
Hey guys. 

I just wanted to quick post explaining that certain posts have been moved and the reasoning behind this.
Earlier today information was posted on many forums giving further details about the Alton Towers latest attraction. “SW6”
It was later discovered that the information was defiantly not intended to be released to the public at this stage and was subject to a News Embargo.
After consultation, ourselves and every other associated website faithfully decided to pull the information and await its official release from Alton towers itself.
This is an unprecedented move in my eyes, having many websites acting together like this and I hope that you help us out a bit yourselves by not posting any information relating to what you may have seen in the Press Release this afternoon.
Some may be thinking that we are acting as “Push over’s” but I can assure you, this is not the case. We are merely acting in the sites best interests and are certainly not alone in taking this action. We are constantly trying to promote a relationship with Alton Towers that could prove very fruitful in years to come, we hope that our actions could be a step in the right direction.

Thank you all in advance,

Crofty & The TTF Team.
En gros, si j'ai bien compris : Les infos sont vraies mais elles ne devaient pas être divulguées, c'est bien ça PMLondon?

Si c'est le cas, on peut définitivement dire que ce coaster va être exceptionel!  :-o
Oui c'est ce que Crofty dit, si je reçois une demande d'enlever le post je le ferais, certaines tournures me font penser à une annonce à la "Sanbrooke" et dans ce cas cela serait clairement du n'importe quoi mais en tout état de cause le marketing Viral fonctionne à fond.

Evidemment dire que l'annonce ne devait pas avoir déjà lieu n'as pas de sens, soit il s'agit d'un véritable employé qui l'a divulgué et je doute que quiconque dans cette position prendrait le risque de se faire licencier soit c'est une nouvelle étape du marketing.

Edit Une petite vidéo trouvée sur le topic principal de SW6 sur towerstime :

Et les commentaires :
Je suis pas tout à fait d'accord sur l'hypothèse du marketing, certes le marketing viral est absolument génial pour répendre une info à vitesse exponentielle mais le souci ici c'est que ce marketing viral à une limite je pense.

L'info se diffuse très bien mais seulement entre coasters fans. Et les coasters fans représentent un pourcentage infime de la clientèle d'Alton donc pas sur que ça soit du marketing mais je suis d'accord avec toi quand tu dis que l'annonce n'a pas de sens.

PS: La vidéo est très interessante, une manipulation un peu à la Winjas même si ce n'est pas tout à fait pareil! En tout cas c'est une belle inovation, ça fait plaisir!  :-)