Alton Towers - TH13TEEN le Nouveau coaster en 2010

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Premier jour d'ouverture d'Alton en 2010 et plusieurs témoignages de tests.

TT Member
64 times in 30 posts

Re: SW6 / Thirteen - Ride & Construction discussion
Posted: Sat 13th Feb - 2010 19:47
I've been on the park today and can confirm there has been testing. I also saw a huge amount of scaffolding work around ritas station. The entrance to the dark forest is looking awesome! From what I've seen today I think this will be on another level.


Photo de venny911

Page 147

Nouvelles photos de DanB






page 148
Impatient de voir la video des tests  :-)

Esperons trés bientot.

En tout cas, ils sont en train de faire un travail de fou, amenagé toute la zone...beaucoup de changement et de nouveauté ! Quelle allure auront les trains de Rita une fois rethemé ?
gaga_lefou a dit:
Quelle allure auront les trains de Rita une fois rethemé ?

C' est au programme ? Je me posais justement la question de savoir si le coaster sera repeint  :-)

En tous cas impatient de voir une vidéo des tests, et d' y être  :-P
Jayzz a dit:
C' est au programme ? Je me posais justement la question de savoir si le coaster sera repeint  :-)

En tous cas impatient de voir une vidéo des tests, et d' y être  :-P
Sur la 4eme photo on voit clairement que les nouvelles couleurs de RITA  :mrgreen:  :-P :-P
Charles a dit:
Sur la 4eme photo on voit clairement que les nouvelles couleurs de RITA  :mrgreen:  :-P :-P

Je comprends ton erreur mais le track de Rita n'est pas repeint, ce que tu vois la est d'origine pour se confondre avec la végétation.
Pour Confirmer que le train fait le tour complet voici la preuve en vidéo :

Et le commentaire d'Astrodan

1325 times in 668 posts

Re: SW6 / Thirteen - Ride & Construction discussion
Posted: Sun 14th Feb - 2010 21:10
I couldn't see any changes to Rita's track. I hope they paint the Rita maintainence shed a darker colour though...!

Th13teen was taking the 1st Airtime Hill at a great speed today, certainly gets a lot of momentum on the drop. The ride was testing repeatedly today and making it round. I really hope the shipping container effect is indeed lost - I have faith it will be, as it's really not very JW!

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Nouveau topic
Pour commencer je vais vous dire bonjour a tous et je suis un nouveau venu ;-)
un Pti belges qui va se taper 710 km pour essayer cette fameuse nouveautés qui a mon sens ne sera pas comme tout le monde l'attends..cad exceptionnelle  :lol:
Ceci dit g vu sur un forum que les train et la videos des test sont des montage et sont faux ... qui croire ? lol
C'est n'importe quoi cette histoire de fake... Les lifts aussi rapides, ça existe, et même en encore plus rapide (Battlestar Galactica... enfin je ne sais pas si c'est à pneus lui, mais ça m'étonnerais =p). 'Fin bon, des pneus ça peut tourner très vite, pourquoi pas avec assez de puissance pour hisser un train de quelques tonnes ? :-)
(Il y a vraiment un lift avant c'te virage ?)
Sur battlestar Galactica c'est un lift a LIM, donc c'est encore différent ( comme sur Maverick quoi). Comme exemple on peut prendre le cas de Hulk : The Ride, qui possède un launch a pneus. Bien sûr ici il n'est pas question de launch, mais c'est pour dire que des roues peuvent tourner très vite  :mrgreen:
Vous croyez qu'ils vont foutre de la brume un peu partout dans la Dark Forest ?? Ca serait vachement immersif comme sur le concept art.

Par contre, je ne comprend pas pourquoi on a encore aucune video montrant les tests du parcours, et pas seulement la fin ... :idiot:
gaga_lefou a dit:
Vous croyez qu'ils vont foutre de la brume un peu partout dans la Dark Forest ?? Ca serait vachement immersif comme sur le concept art.

Par contre, je ne comprend pas pourquoi on a encore aucune video montrant les tests du parcours, et pas seulement la fin ... :idiot:

ils essayent de laisser le mystère jusqu'à l'ouverture en mars et à mon avis ils vont réussir ... :lol:
TT Member

Re: SW6 / Thirteen - Ride & Construction discussion Part 2
Posted: Mon 1st Mar - 2010 9:22
Wes wrote:
I met up with Brendan Walker a few weeks back.

He mentioned that what he helped design wasn't the worlds first feature.

Make of that what you will.

i'm currently working on ...

A really exciting new ride at one of the UK parks. I've been commissioned to help design a particular drop feature. The longer the drop the more expensive it is to construct, so I'm researching the shortest distance the drop could be to create the ultimate feeling of fear
Make of that what you will

Bronze Member

Re: SW6 / Thirteen - Ride & Construction discussion Part 2
Posted: Mon 1st Mar - 2010 12:59


I'll post the video when it's all done editing in a few weeks. He couldn't talk too indepth about the new developments at Alton Towers on camera for obvious reasons. It was very interesting though!

Page 20

Une synthèse de toutes les hypothèses émises sur le topic a été écrite en page 21 par un nouveau membre Mick

TT Member
21 points
Re: SW6 / Thirteen - Ride & Construction discussion Part 2
Posted: Fri 5th Mar - 2010 15:27

Page 22

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March 5th 2010 : Th13teen Preview Weekend: Statement 
The following statement was issued on behalf of Alton Towers and received by TowersTimes earlier today from Morwenna Angove, Alton Towers Resort:

"We took the decision to run the Preview Weekend, the first of its kind
for the Resort, some months ago recognizing that some of you would
welcome the opportunity to experience the TH13TEEN, have a
behind-the-scenes tour and learn about how the ride was conceived and
marketed. An event of this nature takes a huge amount of organisation
and planning particularly as we wanted to make it as special and as
unique as the ride itself. As those of you who have received the email
are aware, TH13TEEN is an incredibly sophisticated ride and we have
experienced some minor technical difficulties during testing. What we
have also experienced is some incredibly bad weather over the first few
weeks of the year meaning that an enormous amount of work still has to
be completed in the TH13TEEN ride area as well as Ug Land which is being
rethemed which is why we cannot allow access to the ride area, Ug Land
or indeed Rita.

I understand your disappointment and frustration at the weekend being
cancelled but we have made this incredibly difficult decision because we
could not guarantee the access and the experience that you would expect
from Alton Towers Resort. I also understand some of you are rightly
annoyed at the short notice which has come about because I had hoped
that we would be able to show you some elements if not all - it has
become clear over the last 24 hours that this would not be possible.

Once again, please accept my apologies for the cancellation which is
totally unavoidable as I now hope you will appreciate. We will be back
in touch with those of you who had a reservation for the weekend
regarding 'An evening with John Wardley and TH13TEEN' soon".

Stay tuned to TowersTimes for further news regarding 2010. Don't forget, you can discuss this story in our Th13teen weekend topic and the ride in our dedicated Th13teen forum.

Source :